Easter Sunrise Worship Lyrics

  • Verse 1

    You make it easy to love You, You are good and You are kind, You bring joy into my life

    You make it easy to trust You, You have never left my side, You've been faithful ev'ry time


    All I want is You Jesus, All I want is You


    You are the refuge I run to, You are the fire that leads me through the night. I'll follow You anywhere

    There's a million reasons to trust You, Nothing to fear for You are by my side, I'll follow You anywhere

    Verse 2

    O Jesus, You came to my rescue, Took my place upon that cross

    You redeemed what I had lost, Now my whole world revolving around You

    You're the center of my life,. You're the treasure You're the prize


    Follow You anywhere oh. I'll follow You anywhere oh


    Wherever You lead me, Whatever it costs me

    All I want is You, Jesus all I want is You


    Follow You anywhere


    Brett Younker | Jason Ingram | Kristian Stanfill | Phil Wickham

    CCLI Song # 7123196, © 2019 KPS 1.0; sixsteps Music; worshiptogether.com songs; Fellow Ships Music; So Essential Tunes; Phil Wickham Music; Simply Global Songs; Sing My Songs

    CCLI License # 225059

  • Chorus 2

    In my Father's house, There's a place for me

    I'm a child of God, Yes I am

    Bridge, Repeat 2x

    I am chosen not forsaken

    I am who You say I am

    You are for me not against me

    I am who You say I am

    Chorus 1

    Who the Son sets free, Oh is free indeed

    I'm a child of God, Yes I am

    Chorus 2, Repeat 2x

    Bridge, Repeat 3x

    Tag, Repeat 2x

    (Oh) (Yes) I am who You say I am

    Chorus 1

    Chorus 2


    Ben Fielding | Reuben Morgan

    CCLI Song # 7102401; © 2017 Hillsong Music Publishing Australia

    CCLI License # 225059

  • Verse 1

    Here is where I lay it down, Every burden every crown

    This is my surrender, This is my surrender

    Here is where I lay it down, Every lie and every doubt

    This is my surrender


    And I will make room for you, To do whatever you want to, To do whatever you want to

    And I will make room for you, To do whatever you want to, To do whatever you want to

    Verse 1

    Chorus, Repeat 2x

    Bridge, Repeat 4x

    Shake up the ground of all my tradition

    Break down the walls of all my religion

    Your way is better, Your way is better

    Chorus, Repeat 2x

    Ending, Repeat 2x

    Here is where I lay it down

    You are all I'm chasing now

    This is my surrender, This is my surrender


    Evelyn Heideriqui | Josh Farro | Lucas Cortazio | Rebekah White

    CCLI Song # 7122057; © 2018 A New Song For A New Day Music; Community Music Songs; Curb Songs; Father of Lights Publishing; Mike Curb Music

    CCLI License # 225059

  • Verse 1

    There’s a sling in my voice, And a stone in my praise, Pushing back when the darkest weapons form

    There’s a power on my lips, Even death can’t defy, When the name of our God is lifted high


    ‘Cause there is resurrection power, When we sing the name of Jesus

    Resurrection power, When we raise a mighty sound

    So come on let the praise get loud, Make that empty grave resound, ‘Cause there is resurrection power In His name

    Verse 2

    There are days I have seen, Filled with heartache and loss, That have buried my heart beneath their weight

    But every time His praise breaks out, Dead things rise up from the ground, I won’t leave my song inside that empty grave


    Bridge (repeat 4x)

    Deadman come out of that grave

    Come out of that grave when we sing

    Captives let go of those chains

    Let go of those chains when we praise


    Bridge (repeat 4x)


    Brian Johnson | Chris Davenport

    CCLI Song # 7148927; © 2019 SHOUT MP Brio; Bethel Music Publishing

    CCLI License # 225059